Sunday, November 28, 2010

RTF Extra Credit Assignment

RTF 305 was the first time I had ever used a blog. I was surprised by how easy the blog was to use. I found the blog to be a useful aspect of the course. It made turning in assignments very simple and it was helpful knowing that every assignment was due at the same time every week. Once I figured out how to work Blogger, I never encountered any technical difficulties using the blog. Conceptually, I had more trouble writing some blogs than others. I definitely found it easier and more enjoyable to write the blogs that allowed for some more creativity. I enjoyed the blog where we were required to pick a movie and then discuss the three separate acts. I also enjoyed the blog where we compared All in the Family to a modern sitcom. Perhaps these were the more interesting blogs to write because they dealt more directly with film and television. The blogs I did not enjoy as much were the blogs that required us to define terms from the readings and lecture and then provide examples, simply because these blogs were basically just rewordings of information given in class. I ultimately found the blog to be a very easy way to do homework assignments and blog postings certainly helped me learn information that was useful on tests, so I would definitely recommend using the blog in the future. The only problem I had with the blog was the grading. Despite providing answers for all of the required questions, there were several times where I did not receive all three points. Also, I constantly found myself wishing the blogs were due at midnight as opposed to 10:00, but perhaps that is just because I typically waited until late Sunday night to do them.

Yes, you can use my blog in a paper or report.  

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